Monday, May 9, 2016

The next meal is around the corner

Someone suggested I write about what fears are holding me back from embracing the idea that the next meal is around the corner?  This is what I came up with.  What fears are holding you back?

This idea of “What if I get hungry?” or “What if there isn’t enough?” stems from early in my childhood when my dad decided to become a raw food vegetarian.  I don’t remember a lot about the kinds of food that we ate before the change, but I do know this – as a kid the ONLY vegetable I liked was broccoli, and let me make it very clear that it had to be COOKED broccoli. I do also remember that we at a lot of sugar cereals for breakfast such as Cap’n Crunch, Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes, etc. 
So, for a young girl who loved her sugar, the whole raw food vegetarian lifestyle was very traumatic for me.  For breakfast we used to eat this stuff called puffed millet, which tasted kind of like tiny Styrofoam balls.  I’m sure I thought I was starving most of the time, because I was a picky eater before the change.  My mom would still take us out to eat for lunch quite often, and I remember always wanting her “last bite” which she would usually give away.  I think I developed a fear of never knowing when my next meal would be or where it would come from, because I probably only ate at school or when mom took us out to eat.
Fast forward 3 or 4 years to when my parents got divorced when I was 11.  My mom did not continue my dad’s new found passion for raw vegetables, so we started eating “regular” food again.  By that time, though, the damage had been done.  We had a house full of children who were afraid of not getting enough to eat, so my mom would cook huge meals, and we’d all fight over how much everyone took.  There was one person in the family, who if they got hold of the serving spoon first, would take half of whatever there was, leaving the other half for the remaining 4 people in the family.  The rest of the kids would erupt into opposition, and we soon learned not to put the food near that person when we brought it to the table.
To this day, especially when I’m eating out, and I know more food won’t be easily accessible, I still have a fear of not having enough and usually order much more than I actually need to satisfy my hunger.  So the fear holding me back from embracing the idea that the next meal is just around the corner is a deep seeded fear planted early in my life.
That fear is still active in my life today, even though I do have enough food, I can go get more, and it is unlikely that I will ever have to depend on someone else for my food again.  Right now, my refrigerator and freezer are packed with food, and I’m not even in town to eat it… but I still have enough food somewhere! 

I think it’s time to accept the possibility of being hungry.  Being hungry now means something VERY different than being hungry did when I was a kid.  Being hungry then meant insecurity, fear, uncertainty, and certain (at least in my mind) death.  Today being hungry means that I’m hungry.  There IS a next meal around the corner, and one after that, and one after that.  I don’t ever have to be afraid of not having enough again.


  1. wow, thank you for sharing. That is really powerful. "I don't ever have to be afraid of not having enough again" That phrase is life changing. xo

  2. I want every herpes patient to please read my testimony, my name is SARAH MORGAN and I am from California in the USA, I contracted genital herpes from my ex boyfriend who never had any symptoms. I have had it for 4 months now., and it has affected my life. I have told my boyfriends who I trusted about it and I have never had a bad reaction, it has affected my new relationships with Smith and people think herpes is really a minor skin irritation herpes has a long term effects on health. The stigma attached to this virus by ignorant people is ridiculous. Most people have herpes in one form or another. I would like to advise people on how I get rid of my herpes and I was reading a comment on the internet,and I saw a testimony posted by a woman from Germany that she get rid of her herpes with the help of DR AHKIGBE and so I was so happy when I saw that post, that his herbal medication is free and I quickly collected the herbal doctor email and I email him within 3 hr he respond to my email and I explain things to him he told me not to worry that he is going to cure me totally with his herbal medicine he only request for little money that he will use to buy the items for the preparation of the herbal medicine, wish I send to him because the pain was too much for me to bear and after some days he told me that he has prepare the herbal medicine, that I should send him my address that he want to send it to me via DHL or FED-EX that was how I got the herbal medication and I use it as I was told and after few days I found out that my herpes was no more, i went to hospital for confirmation and it was true really that was how i got my cured. DR AKHIGBE also cure other deadly diseases like,  HIV/AIDS, HERPES, DIABETES,CANCER, ALS, ASTHMA, WEAK BODY,  HEPATITIS A&B, DENGUE FEVER, RABIES, MARBURG  DISEASE, THYROID, SMALLPOX, ARTHRITIS, MENINGITIS ,LUPUS, EPILEPSY, CHRONIC DISEASE, DICK AND BREAST ENLARGEMENT, MALARIA, BACTERIAL DIARRHEA HEART DISEASE., JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN,  DENGUE SCHIZOPHRENIA, POLIO,MULTIPLES SCLEROSIS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE,  SORENESS/INJURY,  VAGINAL  DISCHARGE,  CHANCROID, DEPRESSION, TUBERCULOSIS, ALZHEIMER , PENIS ENLARGEMENT, PARKINSON'S, to get your rid kindly via his email:    contact his number:  +2349010754824           website:       you can still write me on Instagram to get more information. on Sarah Morgan 06.
