Monday, July 22, 2013

What the... ???

Today in IOP, as is the case everyday, I filled out a form asking about my feelings, how I slept, etc.  One of the questions on the daily form that we fill out is "Have you abused any legal or illegal substances in the past 24 hours?"  "If so, what?"  I answered yes and that I had used food.  The counselor read that out loud and then everyone started laughing.  I don't get what is so funny about that.  I weighed in this morning at 358 pounds.  I don't see anything funny about the fact that I am a food addict and use food to dull the pain of life.  If someone had said that they had used drugs or alcohol, I'm sure everyone in the room wouldn't have laughed at that.  So how can a whole group of people actually look at me and think it's funny that I abuse food?  I'm failing to find the humor in this situation.  Maybe they thought I put that down as a joke, but I was serious.  I've talked about it before in group.  They all know that I eat to keep from feeling, so why the laughter?  I feel embarrassed.  I feel rejected.  I feel invalidated.  I feel ashamed.  I feel misunderstood. I feel humiliated.
Sometimes I wonder if my life will ever change.  I wake up every morning thinking that today will be the beginning of a new life.  One in which I don't over eat.  One in which I will begin to lose weight and be able live life the way I want to.  And every night I go to bed discouraged because I caved yet again.  I gave into the urge to overeat again.  I was weak again.  It's the same cycle day after day, and on days like today, I just wish it would all be over.  I wish I could just die in my sleep tonight and never have to deal with it again?  I feel so H.O.P.E.L.E.S.S.

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